“Open Dialog in Applied Engineering 2023”
19th – 23rd of October 2023, Funchal, Portugal
ODAE “Open Dialog in Applied Engineering 2023: Societal and medicinal impact" will bring together scientists, medics ND engineers around the world, to discuss the most recent developments and trends in engineering and their application for societal and medicinal needs, and to disseminate the latest innovation results from the EU Staff Exchanges - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions project SSHARE 871284, CATCHER 101046307, PhytoApp 101007642, AquaSynapse 101086453, EWALD 101086250, INNMEDSCAN 101086178, DETMED 101129879.
The conference addresses recent advances, progress proven practice and new frontiers in the lists topics. It aims to create a forum/platform for interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary engineering dialog, to provide sustainability to EU funded projects, also helping the education of young scientists and PhD students. Topics covered include:
- Material Engineering
- Nanoelectronics
- Chemical Engineering
- Medical Chemistry
- In vivo and In vitro approaches in environmental medicine
- Environmental Engineering
- Renewable Energy Engineering
- Industrial Engineering Management
Conference Organizers
Prof. Dr. Andriy Lyubchyk, Universidade Lusófona, Portugal
Prof. Dr. Sergiy Lyubchyk, Universidade Lusófona, Portugal
Prof. Dr. Svitlana Lyubchyk, Universidade Lusófona, Portugal
Prof. Dr. Daniel C. Anthony, University of Oxford, UK
Prof. Dr. Tatyana Strekalova, Neuroplast BV, Netherlands
Conference Projects
SSHARE 871284: Amid rising energy prices, energy independence, and the impact of climate change, buildings are the primary consumers of energy. This underscores the importance net-zero buildings that produce as much energy as it uses over the course of a year. The EU-funded SSHARE project aims to develop innovative envelopes for buildings aimed at net zero energy, contributing significantly to European technology and creativity. Envelope is a combination of two technologies that cool or heat the building depending on the time of year using only atmospheric humidity as both thermal and electric energy supply.´ The goal of the SSHARE project is the development of the innovative Self-Sufficient Panels for the Buildings to address net zero energy buildings demands.
CATCHER 101046307: CATCHER project is aimed at development of innovative technology to exploit the atmospheric humidity for direct conversion to the electricity, thus gain a new sustainable source of renewable energy and to contribute to implementing the specific priorities for strengthening the EU leadership on renewables.
PhytoApp 101007642: The main objectives of the PhytoAPP project are design, development and delivery of the innovative water-soluble Phytochemical Inhibitors for Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases prevention. To achieve this goal the PhytoAPP project will explore the innovative nanotechnological solutions to overcome phytochemicals limitation faced by their low water-solubility via fullerene-enhanced innovative synthesis of water-soluble green Phytocomplexes, by means of cooperation between Researchers and SMEs Partners from EU and Partner’s Countries. Under PhytoAPP project it is expected to build new and enhance existing network of international and inter-sectoral cooperation in the form of joint research and innovation activities between the project Partners with multidisciplinary skills and complementary competences in nanomaterials, physics, engineering, green chemistry, biochemistry and medical science.
AquaSynapse 101086453: Core idea of this project is to establish the mechanistic basis for the positive health effects of deuterium depleted water and determine what regimens are most efficacious. Isotope content of drinking water has been shown affect the pathogenesis of cancers to ameliorate the stress response and reduce susceptibility to many diseases, but it remains unclear how the positive biological effects of heavy isotope reduction in drinking water are mediated. High concentrations of deuterium induce mitochondrial dysfunction, and very high concentrations can induce cell death, but the administration of deuterium at 91 ppm has antidepressant effects that were comparable to that of citalopram in a mouse model of depression. Use of deuterium depleted water appears to represent a safe intervention with few, if any, reported side effects, but it remains unclear at what concentrations the positive metabolic and behavioural effects become apparent. Companies in Europe now sell DDW at different concentrations to the public amidst a plethora of health claims that mostly lack in any sound scientific basis or safety data. Thus, there is an urgent need to better understand the impact of DDW on brain and behaviour at a molecular level.
EWALD 101086250: Land degradation (LD) is the world’s greatest environmental challenge affecting the environment, agriculture, and human wellbeing. Intensified by natural disasters and desertification, the LD may present potential risks and socioeconomic tension at the European Union (EU) frontier. The project aims to develop an innovative framework to provide an Early Warning System (EWS) and responses to the LD threatening the EU from its external border, using multi-source and multi-scale Earth Observation (EO) data.
INNMEDSCAN 101086178: The development of modern methods of medical diagnostics is an integral part of the work and research of scientists. And it is constantly being improved, as high-precision early diagnosis increases the chances of recovery for people suffering from dangerous diseases. One of the key developments in this area is a new hybrid PET / MRI machine that provides simultaneous Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Positron Emission Tomography. In this sense, The INNMEDSCAN main objective is to develop a highly requested equipment in medical markets, a Hybrid Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Positron Emission Tomography (PET-MRI) Scanner. For this, the partners aim to design and produce a novel highly sensitive semiconductor-based photodetector, followed by the elaboration of the working prototype detector´s module suitable for elaboration of next generation of the hybrid PET-MRI scanners.
DETMED 101129879: The DETMED project aims to contribute to the development of advanced medical gamma probed for radio-guided surgeries, that are highly requested in the medic equipment market.
Full agenda of ODAE “Open Dialog in Applied Engineering 2023”
19 / 10 / 23
- 19:30 - 22:00 Registration + Welcome Party
20 / 10 / 23
- 8:30 - 8:45 "Opening Address"
Prof. Dr. Ana Cunha ULHT- UNIVERSIDADE LUSÓFONA, ILIND Instituto Lusófono de Investigação e Desenvolvimento, PORTUGAL
Prof. Dr. Svitlana Lyubchyk, EWALD Project Coordinator, ULHT- UNIVERSIDADE LUSÓFONA, Engineering Faculty, DeepTechLab, PORTUGAL - 8:45 - 10:15 "Advance in Physics and Chemical Engeneering"
Keynote 1: Prof. Dr. Andreu Moia-Pol, SSHARE Team Leader, University of the Balearic Islands, SPAIN - SSHARE opportunities and future from UIB
Keynote 2: Prof. Dr. Andriy Lyubchyk, SSHARE Project Coordinator, ULHT- UNIVERSIDADE LUSÓFONA, Engineering Faculty, DeepTEchLab, PORTUGAL - Advance and Innovation in Chemical Engineering Materials and Processes
Chair – Prof. Dr. Sergiy Lyubchyk ULHT- UNIVERSIDADE LUSÓFONA, PORTUGAL - 10:15 - 10:45 "Coffee Break"
- 10:45 - 12:00 " Advance in Nanoeletronics & Nanomaterials"
Keynote 3: Dr. Azer Sadigov, National Nuclear Research Center, AZERBAIJAN - Si-based avalanche photosensors: status and prospects
Keynote 4: Prof. Daoud Mezzane Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech, MORROCCO - Elaboration and Characterization of Multiferroic CoFe2O4 / (Ba0.95Ca0.05) (Ti0.89Sn0.11)O3 Nanofiber Composites via Electrospinning method for Biomedical Applications
Chair – Prof. Dr. Andriy Lyubchyk, ULHT- UNIVERSIDADE LUSÓFONA, PORTUGAL - 12:00 - 14:00 Lunch
- 14:00 - 15:30 "Advance in Medicine"
Keynote 5: Daniel Radford-Smith., University of Oxford, UK - A multivariate blood metabolite algorithm to predict risk and resilience to stress-induced anhedonia and effects of antioxidants in a mouse model of major depressive disorder
Keynote 6: Prof. Raymond Cespuglio Claude Bernard University and MSMU, FRANCE - NO-related mechansisms in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease.
Keynote 7: Prof. Daniel Anthony, University of Oxford, UK - BBB permeability of new fullerene and fullerene-containing Complexes
Keynote 8: Dr. Johannes de Munter, Neuroplast BV, NETHERLAND - Validation of APP/PS1 mouse model with newly approved treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and effects of transplantation therapy on amyloid formation
Chair – Prof. Daniel Anthony, University of Oxford, UK - 15:30 - 16:00 - Coffee Break
- 16:00 - 18:00 "Advance in Environmental Engineering"
Keynote 9: Dr. Gábor Somlyai HYD LLC. for Cancer Research and Drug Development, HUNGARY - The impact of deuterium content in water on cell cycle regulation and gene expression ̶The effect of deuterium depletion on survival and cancer recurrence
Keynote 10: Prof. Mikhailo Popov, . Scientific Centre for Aerospace Research of the Earth of the Institute of Geological Science, UKRAINE - Towards the effective land degradation early warning system: evidential-reasoning approach
Keynote 11 & 12: Dr. Dmytro Vdovyko & Dr. Serhii Maltsev, Limited Liability Company ECOMM CO, UKRAINE - Project Territory in ArcGiS OnLine portal web applications
Chair – Prof. Dr. Svitlana Lyubchyk, ULHT- UNIVERSIDADE LUSÓFONA, PORTUGAL - LINK ZOOM: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/96481849630?pwd=RFJ0YVZJWHV1emNzNXJNN1pCc2tKUT09
21 / 10 / 23
- 9:00 - 10:20 "Introduction to Panel 1 discussion: Advance in Nanotechnologies for Energy Efficiency Applications"
Keynote 13: Dr. Mario Boucinha , BLUEORIZON, PORTUGAL - Energy Engineering progress in civil Construction
Oral Presentation:
Prof. Vasyl Pekhno, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry V. Vernadsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine – IGIC NASU, Ukraine., UKRAINE - Bisphosphonates Pd, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba - a new generation of target action non-toxic compounds for chemotherapy of a number of oncological diseases, osteoporosis and ascending litholysis (chemical dissolution of stones).
Prof. Valerii Kidalov, TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAT DORTMUND Germany - Heterostructures based of porous silicon
Chair – Prof. Sergiy Lyubchyk, ULHT- UNIVERSIDADE LUSÓFONA, PORTUGAL - 10:20 - 10:50 Coffee Break
- 10:50 - 12:00 "Round Tables"
Participants: Project staff Ukraine, Morrocco, Portugal
PhytoAPP & Aqua Synapse :
Participants: Project staff Armenia, Hungary, Poland, Portugal
Participants: Project staff Spain, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Portugal - 12:00 - 14:00 Lunch
- 14.00 - 15:30 "Introduction to Panel 3 discussion: Nanomaterials, Advance in NanoBioMedicine
Keynote 14: Prof. Konstantin Yenkoyan, Yerevan Medical State University, ARMENIA - Modeling Alzheimers disease: a brain- periphery talk
Keynote 15: Prof. Sergiy Lyubchyk, ULHT- UNIVERSIDADE LUSÓFONA, Engineering Faculty, DeepTEchLab, PORTUGAL - Concept “PhytoAPP”, Innovation & Main Developments
Chair – Prof. Svitlana Lyubchyk, ULHT- UNIVERSIDADE LUSÓFONA, PORTUGAL - 15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break
16:30 - 16:00 "Panel 2 Discussion: Advance in Nanomaterials & Nanotechnologies"
Oral Presentations
Dr. Alexander Doroshkevich, DONETSK INSTITUTE FOR PHYSICS AND ENGINEERING NAMED AFTER O.O. GALKIN OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCESS OF UKRAINE - Advance in Nanotechnologies: Technology of adsorption electric generators
Dr. Igor Danilenko NANOMATERIALS RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT SP. Z.O.O, POLAND- Advance in Nanomaterials Engineering
Dr. Yurii Bacherikov INSTITUTE OF GENERAL AND INORGANIC CHEMISTRY VI VERNADSKY NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF UKRAINE – IGIC NASU, Ukraine, UKRAINE- Justification of the need for cyclical processes in a moisture-generating electricity generator for its continuous operation
Dr. Artem Shylo NANOMATERIALS RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT SP. Z.O.O, POLAND- Practical Application of the Nanotechnologies
Dr. Oxana Gorban NANOMATERIALS RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT SP. Z.O.O, POLAND- Advance in Innovative Nanomaterials Engineering Application - 19:30 - 22:00 Conference Dinner
22 / 10 / 23
- 10:00 - 12:00 Sattelite Workshop PhytoAPP
- 9:00 - 12:00 Round table: SSHARE & EWALD
23 / 10 / 23
- 9:00 - 12:00 Open Discussion Aqua-Synapse Project
Organization and information
Venue of the Conference
Savoy Palace Hotel, Funchal, Portugal
For more information regarding the venue please check: www.savoysignature.com/savoypalacehotel/en/
The Savoy Palace Hotel is located within 20/25 km distance from the airport, and the route can take up to 30 minutes.
The options for transportation can include:
- Aerobus (bus): 5 euros*
- Taxi: 14 to 18 euros*
- Limousine: 23 to 35 euros*
* Prices indicated subjected to consultation
Conference Packages/ Prices
- Full Package = 1900 euros.
This package includes accommodation for 4 nights with breakfast (19th-23rd October) + Conference welcome + 1 conference dinner + 2 conference lunches + 5 coffee breaks - Option 2 = 700 euros.
This includes conference fee + conference welcome + 5 Coffee breaks + 2 conference lunches + 1 conference dinner - Additional options:
conference welcome 60 euros;
conference dinner 90 euros (per person)
Tourism information
The average temperature in Funchal for the month of October varies between 20º and 23º, with possibility of precipitation and sea temperature is around 24º.
Funchal, the capital of the island of Madeira, Portugal, in addition to its natural beauty, offers a variety of attractions such as; the Botanical Garden and Pico de Barcelos. You can admire the magnificent landscape through the cable car, a journey of approximately 20 minutes, making the descent in the famous wooden carts and much more.
For additional tourism information please consult: https://www.visitportugal.com/en/content/funchal
Additional information
For travelers from the European Union, is only required presentation of a valid identification document.
For travelers outside the European community, a valid passport is required and depending on the country of origin and length of stay, a visa may also be required.
Currently, passengers traveling to the Madeira and Azores archipelagos do not have public health control measures for entrance to the region.
Conference registration and contacts
To proceed with conference registration please access and fill out the registration form:
For more information please contact:
- Jéssica Flores
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- Laura Moita
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